Week 12 Newsletter

In your box: --Carrots --Cherry Tomatoes (full shares) --Cucumbers --Garlic --Head Lettuce --Summer squash --Sweet onion --Sweet pepper --Tomatoes This weekend brought an event I've been waiting for since early March—the greenhouse is now empty for the year. When I transplanted out the last head lettuce of the year between rainstorms, I finally left the … Continue reading Week 12 Newsletter

Week 11 Newsletter

In your box: --Basil --Cherry Tomatoes --Cucumbers --Head Lettuce (“New Red Fire”) --Potatoes (“Yukon Gold”) --Summer squash --Sweet onion --Sweet pepper --Tomatoes My winters tend to be extremely relaxing, with lots of time for rest and reflection and catching up on all the books that pile up through my busy summers. I stay pretty focused … Continue reading Week 11 Newsletter

Week 10 Newsletter

In your box: --Beets --Cherry Tomatoes --Cucumbers --Garlic --Head Lettuce --Summer squash --Sweet Onion --Sweet pepper --Tomatoes Late last week I was pulling thistle around our elderberry plants when I noticed a massive caterpillar that I assumed could only be one of our kids' toys. It was incredible—about the size of a cigar. And it … Continue reading Week 10 Newsletter

Week 8 Newsletter

In your box: --Cucumber --Endive Escarole --Green Beans --Head Lettuce --Mint --Scallions --Summer squash --Sweet Pepper --Tomato After such a brutally hot and humid start to the summer, the persistent cool and dry weather of the past two weeks has been a great blessing. Daytime mosquitoes have vanished with the humidity, weeds are no longer … Continue reading Week 8 Newsletter